Mech Model M-5V--

A mech designed for long travels, with pilots placed within the head of the machine. The head of the machine is large, enough for a single pilot to live comfortably while moving from one destination to the next. There is an area to drive the robot, as well as places to eat and sleep. It could be modified for combat purposes, but this is not recommended due to its fragile center core.

This is the robot you've taken to pilot. After leaving your previous space-adventuring band, you drift through space alone, expecting a long but comfortable journey ahead. However, the journey is cut short when space debris hits the machine's delicate core, and the mech's battery leaks out at an alarming rate. Your only hope is to reach out to the colonies researching the surrounding shipwrecks and broken planets. But you're not alone, as space pirates are more than willing to turn your mech to scrap...

How To Play:

How to use your keyboard

How to use your mouse


This game is very difficult, and you will make mistakes on your first few playthroughs. However, here are some tips to help you get better as you play more:

  • It's best if you use the same generator seed when you start out for the first time. This way, you can know where locations are on the map so you can reach them easier.
  • Whenever you leave the signal area, do not try to turn while moving. Instead, brake your mech and turn around in place. This way, you won't continue drifting forward and get even further away from the signal area.
  • Locations will never spawn outside the signal area. If you are outside of the signal area and see a location, try moving towards it.
  • Your mech's hitbox is only at it's core, which has a slight white glow to it. The mech will only take damage if it's hit at that point, so don't be scared to move closer to bullets.
  • Make sure to be careful where you fire, as shooting collectibles will make them disappear for good!
  • Though enemies and collectibles are not the same whenever you enter the same area, the amount of them is. If you are struggling to reach an item without shooting it, leave the area and come back. That way, the enemy would have moved and you would be able to safely retrieve the item without the risk of shooting it.
  • Whenever you die, the game over screen provides some extra text to help you on where you went wrong. Give them a read if you're ever stuck.

My submission for MechJam V. Thanks for playing, I hope you enjoy!


windows 22 bytes


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Pretty sigma

... colony sigma


I would love a downloadable with a bit more content. This game is awesome

Thanks for the comment, I'm glad you enjoyed this! I might come back to this type of gameplay style later, because it was pretty fun to code